Recruit to Train and Assistant Psychology Posts

Recruit to Train and Assistant Psychology Posts

Every year thousands of ambitious, intelligent, committed and motivated psychology graduates apply for Clinical Training. And most of them are unsuccessful. Eventually many of those young people stop applying and leave Mental Health services in favour of other ways of using their degrees. We feel this is a huge waste of talent from a profession that desperately needs those people.

We are therefore developing Recruit To Train posts available for APs and other Mental Health Professionals who want to enhance their skills and move up the Agenda for Change bands. These posts are linked to the KSF framework and the Standards in Clinical Training criteria and allow those without a core professional qualification to become Specialist Psychological Therapists in specific therapeutic modalities relevant to working with these young people, and with no cap on potential banding.

Are you interested in progressing your career?

Please fill out the Expression of Interest form and we'll be in touch.

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